Director’s Message to Families - Jan. 25, 2024

Limestone Learning Foundation
Director’s Message to Families - Jan. 25, 2024
Posted on 01/25/2024
Director’s Message to Families - Jan. 25, 2024

For a version of this message to translate into additional languages, please click here. 


Dear Families, 


While it is already past the middle of January, and the holiday season seems like a distant memory, Happy New Year to everyone. I hope everyone has had a good start to 2024 It is hard to believe that the mid-point of the school year is next week. The new year is always a time of reflection, both thinking about the year behind, and the year ahead. In education, there is always more work to do, and with that in mind, I have a few updates to share with you as we near the end of January. 


See Yourself in Limestone: Student Census Achievement Report 


In my mid-December message, I shared that the See Yourself in Limestone: Student Census Achievement Report is now available. I am sharing this report with you again because its results will underscore the critical work we do as a board this year and beyond.  


This is the third report related to data from the Student Census from 2020. The focus of this report is traditional measures of student achievement for all census-related identity groups and includes some information on student sense of belonging for groups who were not the subject of the first report. 


This report includes information about achievement indicators: one caring adult at school; one adult at school expects me to do well; suspensions; reasons for absent or late; special education (IEPs); EQAO math and literacy; pathways (Applied); credit accumulation; and graduation. This Student Census Achievement Report will offer the LDSB the opportunity to reflect on system practices in the future. 


In Limestone schools, we have an individual and collective responsibility for serving all students and doing our best to meet their needs, regardless of their demographic characteristics. As we continue to work on the next Strategic Plan, it will be important for us to remember for whom this work matters and emphasize the need for all staff to make a positive difference in the lives of the students we serve. This means continuing to strive for improvement in student learning, achievement, and well-being. It also means we must continue to do what we can in making sure there is a positive culture in Limestone for the benefit of all students, families, and staff. 


Strategic Plan Update 


At the December 6, 2023, Education, Policy, and Operations Committee (EPOC) meeting of the Board of Trustees, an overview of the results from Phase 2 of the consultation for the See Yourself in Limestone: The Road Ahead – 2023-2028 Strategic Plan was presented. This second consultation invited the LDSB community to provide feedback on the draft Mission, Vision, and Values in an online survey. 


It was exciting to share that between November 2-24, 2023, we received over 1,000 responses to the survey with the most responses coming from students and families. Thank you to those who participated. 


The feedback received throughout the Strategic Plan consultation process, alongside the additional requirements of Bill 98 or the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, have helped the LDSB develop a Mission, Vision, Intention and Values: 


Mission (What the LDSB commits to): Our mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of the students we serve by empowering every student with the essential skills to shape their future, be lifelong learners, and contribute meaningfully to an interconnected, inclusive, and evolving world. 


Vision (What the LDSB aspires to do): Our vision is for all students, families, and staff to feel they belong within Limestone: a system that understands and supports learners’ strengths, needs, and preferences; inspires their hearts and minds; and nurtures hope for the future success of every student in every classroom, in every school. 


Intention (A shortened combination of the Mission and Vision): To make a positive difference in the lives of every student in every classroom, in every school.  


Values: Equity, Empathy, Respect, Integrity, Adaptability, Community, Creativity 


The next steps are operational as action plans are developed. We will provide more information about these plans in the coming months. 


Again, thank you to those that participated in the November consultation. Your input is greatly valued and is helping to shape the future direction of the board 


For a summary of the Phase 1 consultation results, please visit 


Updated Elementary Out-of-Boundary Registration Process 


For the 2024-2025 school year, we will be implementing some changes to processes for students/families to choose to attend an out-of-boundary school. Limestone schools must always prioritize in-boundary registrations at any point during the school year. However, in some cases, particularly when there is some flexibility with available classrooms, space may be available for students who live out-of-boundary to attend. It should be noted that transportation is not provided when students attend an out-of-boundary school. For more information, please visit the updated Register A Student page on the LDSB website. 


Kindergarten Registration for September 2024 Now Underway 


Do you have a child ready to start Kindergarten this September? If your student is four or five by the end of December, now is the time to register. Limestone offers both English and French Immersion programs that build strong foundations in reading, writing and math. We cannot wait to welcome your new student this fall. For more information, please visit 


Amendment to School Year Calendar 2023-2024 – Total Solar Eclipse 


This is a reminder that the 2023-2024 school year calendar has been amended so that the April PA Day, originally scheduled for Friday, April 12, 2024, will now occur on Monday, April 8, 2024. This change does not add an additional PA Day for the school year, but simply adjusts the date of the April PA Day due to the total solar eclipse on April 8. April 12 will now be a regular school day. An updated 2023-2024 school year calendar has been posted to the board website.  


All the very best, 

Krishna Burra 

Director of Education 

The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.